Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ayurveda! Good for everyone's health!

Ayurveda! Good for everyone's health!

Ayurveda is a perfect ancient science of life, the word AYUR literally means life and VEDA, the science or knowledge. Ayurveda briefly explains the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts one has to follow, which favours the well being of each individual to lead a healthy, happy, comfortable and advantageous life physically, mentally & socially. Ayurveda also emphasises that “prevention is better than cure.”


Ayurveda is also known as “ASHTANGA VEDA” (the word literally means “Eight branchers of knowledge”) as it is divided into eight specialised branchers. They are as follows.

1. Kaya Chikilsa - General Medicine
2. Kaumara Bhrithya - Pediatrics
3. Graha Chikilsa - Psychiatry and Psycho Somatic diseases
4. Shalakya Tantra - Diseases of Eye, Ear, Head, Nose, Throat and its surgery
5. Shalya Tantra - General Surgery
6. Agada Tantra - Toxicology
7. Rasayana Chikilsa - Rejuvenation Therapy
8. Vajeekarana Chikilsa - Aphrodisiac Therapy

According to Ayurveda every living and non-living being in this universe is a combination of five basic eternal elements, called Pancha Maha Bhoothas. Human Body is also constituted by this five eternal elements in various compositions. Hence it can be conceived that every cell of body is possessed with all the properties of life. The only difference of Human Body from the external world is the expression of CHAITHANYA or consciousness or life spark or spirit or soul.

Science of life which explains the knowledge of various guidelines to be followed in order to make a healthy living is called AYURVEDA


1. Earth
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Air
5. Ether

These eternal elements manifest in the Human Body as three basic principles or subtle energies or humors (thridosha in Sanskrit). The word Dosha literally means that which maintains and controls the body. They are Vatha, Pitha and Kapha. The Pancha Maha Bhoothas and Thridoshas arenot prevalent tothe naked eye. But they should be conceived on comprehensive terms in which all-physical structures and physiological Functions of the body are included. The Air and Ether elements combined to form the Vatha principle. The fire element constitutes Pitha Principle. Earth and Water elements combine to form Kapha Principle. These three basic principles govern all biological, physiological and physio-pathological functions of the body, mind and consciousness. They act as basic constituents and protective barriers for the body in its normal physiological conditions.

Health in Ayurveda

The objectives of Ayurveda is to establish prime health in every living being, physically, mentally and spiritually. The basic concepts and fundamental principles aim at establishing such a condition through correct and thorough knowledge of healthy living. The living body can function normally only when its Doshas, Dhatus, Malas nad Agni are in a state of equilibrium. The Trigunas also play a vital role in the maintenance of three dimensional health. When these factors become either increased or decreased, either partially or totally, the body may either become sick or dead.

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